Saturday 22 June 2013

Woman Scorned: My First Completed (and unpublished) Novel

Woman Scorned..........................................................

This is the title of my first completed book - well, the first draft of said completed book.

The story centers around Sadie, a young black woman who is a devoted Christian with a bright future ahead of her. She meets her boyfriend, Joshua, her Pastor's eldest son, in her senior year of high school and they begin a very innocent courtship. 

The relationship continues into her final year of her pre-law studies where they take their relationship to the next level and have sex for the very first time. After this, Sadie finds out that Joshua is not as innocent as he pretends to be, as she discovers that he has been cheating on her since they've been together.

Sadie gives him an ultimatum and instead of remaining faithful to her, he tells his father that she seduced him into sleeping with her, among other lies, thus tainting her reputation.

After being banned from church, Sadie picks up and leaves her hometown with her best friend and a complication in tow. In her hiatus, she builds up a hatred of Josh so strong that she thinks only of revenge. During those years apart, she blames her poor choice in men on Joshua.

Sadie ends up finding out even more dirt on Joshua which adds more fuel to her fire. It is time to act on her revenge. Her plan: to seduce him, get him to fall in love with her again, and then air all his dirty laundry in church when he is set to preach.

Follow Sadie's heart-break, feel her anger, and smile when she exacts revenge...knowing that hell truly hath no fury like a WOMAN SCORNED.

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