Friday 20 September 2013

Tangled (Tangled, #1)Tangled by Emma Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

THIS BOOK WAS................AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I give this book as many stars as I can find!

The writing, the story line?
love it

I have been trying to wrap my mind around a proper review of this book for weeks. Nothing I say will give this book proper justice. This is, EASILY, the best and FUNNIEST book I've read...EVER! prepare for a few minor spoilers.

The story is from the POV of the lead character, Andrew "Drew" Evans,


Glorified man-whore.

The opening chapter begins with him having a rare type of flu, called love-sickness (something that he has NEVER experienced in all his life), and after an intervention from his best friend and sister, he tells the story of the events leading up to his depressed mood.

At one of his regular bar visits, after hooking up with a random bar chick, he meets Kate

She evokes in him, feelings that he did not quite understand at first, but chalked up to wanting to have sex with her. They talk for a few minutes and she tells him that she's engaged. He would have put her out of his mind except...she's the new employee at his father's company!...where he also works! Now, more than ever, he HAS to sleep with her...he just has to. Problem is, he doesn't sleep with his coworkers...but for her, he'll make an exception. He finds out that they are both very competitive, and when his father pits the against each other to come up with a pitch for a new client, things get a little heated between the two, in more ways than one. More than that, he starts to get to know her and develop feelings for her...not in the Drew Evans playbook, but he can't help it.

When Drew finally gets his chance with Kate, he soon realizes that his feelings have intensified drastically. Drew Evans, man-whore extraordinaire, is head-over-heels in love. Kate, no doubt, feels the same, but just when things seem to be going Drew's way, re-enter Kate's ex who wants another chance. Drew thinks he's lost his chance and royally screws things up with his big mouth, seemingly losing Kate forever. But when he finds out that Kate didn't get back together with her ex-fiance, he has to fight to get her back.

He goes to ridiculously sweet lengths to win back her favor, for her to believe in him again, and after a poorly cooked dinner date at his home, Drew finally gets his girl back.

Now that all that's out of the way.........I must say that the writing was wonderful, quirky and engaging. I felt like I was watching a Romantic comedy the entire time. I was LOL-ing so much that I could envision this book as a movie. From start to finish, this book was hilarious! I don't think I've ever enjoyed a book more than I enjoyed this one.

I have to be talking myself out of re-reading it, as every time I see the cover I just want to open it and start reading.

To the author....BRAVA BELLISSIMA!!!! Emma Chase did the damn thing in this novel!

Emma Chase is

Tangled is a refreshing read...funny, engaging, and entertaining. Two thumbs and two big toes way up!


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Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #2)Seduced in the Dark by C.J. Roberts
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was absolutely gripping from Book one to Book two. The way in which the author switched between the characters' story was apt and made us understand each character more. The plot was intense and commanding. It makes you want to keep turning the page. All the revelations from the book kept me saying: Oh. My. God!!!!!

The Dr. Sloan revelation didn't surprise me. I kinda knew there was something more to her squeaky-clean, nerdy persona. Lol!!! Love it! Agent Reed's revelation shocked the heck outta me though. Thank you for that shocker Mrs. Roberts!!!!

The truth behind Caleb and Rafiq was a stunner and I loved that twist in the story.

But the true heroin....Miss Ruiz. My God! She's awesome! And I call her a heroin because it's truly what she is. She is strong, emotive, and resilient and used these as strengths to help her to survive what was a horrible, heinous few months. I love Livvie!!!! ^_^

It's always a question though: Can a victim ever love her captor? Us psychology enthusiasts would believe that it is just Stockholm's, but this book answers the question for us in a most vivid way.

I'm so glad I read this book. I already want to re-read the series. Please read. Don't read with a closed mind. The only way you will enjoy this book is if you open you open your mind and let go of preconceived notions and all knowledge of what you think is right and/or wrong. That stuff doesn't belong in reading anyway. Lol!!!!

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Blind ObsessionBlind Obsession by Ella Frank
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a haunting, heartbreakingly beautiful story of love lost and man's refusal to find that love matter how deep it pulls him in. This is a story of a man's passion, his grief, his constant battle with guilt and his frustrating and heart-wrenching refusal to absolve himself of said guilt and grief.

I read this book in the dark, giving the book its added haunting quality.

If u read this book, u have to divest yourself of yourself and delve deep into the minds and hearts of each character. The added links of music and pictures dispersed in the book, gives the book a genuine replica of what might have been occurring and brings the reader face to face with the character, known lovingly as BEAUTY.

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Beauty, Blind Obsession

If u listen to each musical piece while reading the book, I can honestly tell u that u feel it to your core. U feel the haunting quality, u feel each emotion, u feel exactly what each character is feeling at the time through each piece. The goodness, the artwork! It is brilliant and exactly as how the artist, Phillipe, sees his Beauty. The last piece is most beautiful, haunting and heartbreaking for me though as it depicts....FINALITY. I won't say more.

This book evokes passion and sadness in the same breath. I can understand Gemma's battle with both. Who is Gemma? Gemma is a journalist whose services have been requested to tell the truth behind the loss of "Beauty" from the standpoint of the artist, Phillipe, and.....from Beauty herself.

She finds herself knowing more about Beauty and falling in love with her story and, essentially her...she also finds herself falling in love with Beauty's love, Phillipe, who is still in love with his Beauty. She tries to battle her feelings for this man as she feels that he cannot SEE her, but still can only SEE beauty. But the deeper she gets, the more the battle is a lost cause. her passion for this man takes her down similar roads as Phillipe took Beauty. Her sadness arises out of the realization that she is not Beauty and will never be.

Phillipe is conflicted with his feelings for Gemma and as such, feels like he is betraying his Beauty and continues to fight these feelings tooth and nail.

It is sad to see such pain and utter sadness and suffering. But this book makes u feel everything. It is WELL-WRITTEN. This book began with the investigation of a tragedy and ended as a tragedy. Not only the tragic re-telling of the loss of Beauty, but of the tragic loss of love....for all characters. That's what makes this book so sad....and as I'm writing, I am crying because I still feel those emotions.

Oh, and the sex? Oh my.....intense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost want a sequel to this book....where Gemma and Phillipe find each other again. But, for now, I guess my heart will continue to break for the characters. :'(

I hope I have been cryptic enough so as not to give away any spoilers. But, that I have also sparked enough interest for one to give this book a genuine read :)


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Saturday 22 June 2013

Signed: BITTER

Calm down take a deep breath, count 1 2 3;
He left you it's alright, u'll be fine u'll see;
Remember you're a girl, you've got charm you've got swag;
Look on the bright side of things:
He left you, he's a fag.

Cheer up there are other things in life to do;
like keying his car, busting them windows or hey!
Get a tattoo!
Life goes on, why shouldn't you?
Heartbreak is a cycle,
He breaks your heart, you break one too.

So hey! Jump back in that saddle of aspirations;
And don't stop until you reach that destination;
Of inspiration through isolation;
From a month of no copulation.


Woman Scorned: My First Completed (and unpublished) Novel

Woman Scorned..........................................................

This is the title of my first completed book - well, the first draft of said completed book.

The story centers around Sadie, a young black woman who is a devoted Christian with a bright future ahead of her. She meets her boyfriend, Joshua, her Pastor's eldest son, in her senior year of high school and they begin a very innocent courtship. 

The relationship continues into her final year of her pre-law studies where they take their relationship to the next level and have sex for the very first time. After this, Sadie finds out that Joshua is not as innocent as he pretends to be, as she discovers that he has been cheating on her since they've been together.

Sadie gives him an ultimatum and instead of remaining faithful to her, he tells his father that she seduced him into sleeping with her, among other lies, thus tainting her reputation.

After being banned from church, Sadie picks up and leaves her hometown with her best friend and a complication in tow. In her hiatus, she builds up a hatred of Josh so strong that she thinks only of revenge. During those years apart, she blames her poor choice in men on Joshua.

Sadie ends up finding out even more dirt on Joshua which adds more fuel to her fire. It is time to act on her revenge. Her plan: to seduce him, get him to fall in love with her again, and then air all his dirty laundry in church when he is set to preach.

Follow Sadie's heart-break, feel her anger, and smile when she exacts revenge...knowing that hell truly hath no fury like a WOMAN SCORNED.

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Start of my Writing Journey

So, my writing journey began last April (2012) when the title of a novel came to me loud and clear. The title Woman Scorned was so interesting to me that I was so excited to begin writing. It went well for a while, until I started having writer's block.
Then, I was no longer interested in writing...I got bored. 
However, the moment I allowed someone to read my work - or at least how far I'd gotten - and was given positive feedback, it was all the fuel I needed to reignite the fire and write until I was finished.

Suffice it to say, it was a mediocre start to my writing journey, and I am, by no means, a literary expert - I'm learning as I go along - but, if I didn't start, there would be no drive for me to continue. Since the First Draft completion of Woman's Scorned, I have completed another First Draft of a novel, the first in a series of three. Furthermore, I have had three - count 'em, three (3) - additional novel ideas.

I am happy for this journey, even though sometimes I feel I am going crazy with all the thoughts swirling in my head, threatening to be lost in forgetfulness if I don't stop writing my current novel and write the down every bit of information that my mind has come up with - this has happened to me on too many occasions.

Despite my emerging mental health problems (yes, you can laugh...I'm laughing at myself), if I didn't START...I wouldn't be where I am today: two books down, another almost finished and four more in the works, and yes, two sheets away from crazy. Lol!!!

Hmm...I'm beginning to wonder if starting this journey was a good idea.